Kathy’s Musings
Let’s connect by having conversations and help direct readers to fulfill their lives. Our readers are already searching for something. Let’s be their guides. Make it okay to talk about ourselves and how our roots are ready to blossom.
By Kathy Eller, MusingAbout.ca
Are you
The other day, I was soaking in the tub listening to my Pure 528 Hz Miracles. I needed to take the time to just relax my mind and ponder what my feelings have been about. I needed direction to coarse correct my path. My mind has been all over the place the last month. So much energy out there it was starting to take me to a place I needed to get out of. As I was coming into a clearing in my mind, my towel dropped off the counter. It just dropped like the mic drop. Something was telling me thank goodness she’s catching on. It was so clear. My second encounter with a message coming to me in a physical way.
The one other time was one night in bed I was startled out of my sleep by a strange crying sound. It sounded like the air had been sucked out of the room. I could feel the energy moving in my room. It was like there was a spirit and it quickly ran out of my bedroom window. At first, I thought it was my dog, he was laying so close to me. I flicked on the light to settle my nerves. He was still a sleep. I got up and walked around to clear my mind. It was the night of a full moon. I looked out my window and as I walked back to bed there were some light spots on the floor from the full moon shining through the windows. I lay there and I told who ever was there to show me that this was an energetic spiritual awakening with some sort of sign. I wasn’t sure of what sign to ask for. I asked if this was a new start for me. A clearing of the worry I was carrying around with me. I tell you I have felt like a load of worry has been lifted from my shoulders. I have been letting the worry of not being accepted by certain friends and family run my life. But that is gone now. It is my past now. I bounce back much faster these days.
The energy of ‘you’ are not doing it right. No, you need to do it this way. So much back and forth. Like a tennis match. Setting the intention to slow down rethink your purpose and how to get back on your path. It did come clear to me to really hanker down and start the better eating habits. More vegies less wine. Cut the nasty carbs out. You see I am type 2 diabetic and want to clean this up. I have always thought that stress and eating got me to this and releasing stress and eating clean is the way out of it.
With the costs of being type 2 wouldn’t it be great to use that budget on living a clean life. I’ve been following someone on social media and her message struck me like I was in a finally waking up moment – ‘Your Life is Your Medicine’. For reference her name is Dr. Cassie Huckaby I follower her on Instagram. A quote from her- “The clarity you are seeking is often held in the step that you aren’t taking, the move that you aren’t making or the Truth that you aren’t telling.” Dr. Cassie Huckaby.
Working on the person I want to show up as for myself has taken me on a new direction for my magazine, Musing About Stories to Live By. I was having an issue with what the magazine, it was missing something. And this to has been a roller coaster of what everyone sees it being. I must stick with what was really in my gut when I started it. I’ve found that I have been on a journey, yes, a spiritual journey. I’m looking for guidance for this journey and I’m sure there are others out there searching for the same. My new intention for the magazine must be this, a journey to spirituality. A journey to make your life, medicine for your body mind and soul.
Time to start moving on my merry way to what I have been fighting off for the last while. I guess I thought I’d be canceled for this shift. One message that came in strong was it’s time to move away. Move away from fighting what is meant for me. It’s okay to be canceled by those that don’t understand. This is my journey my path in life.
I’m hoping you will join me and with your articles and expertise we can help fellow spiritual being searing for what they have been fighting off.
My Multi Author Project is just that multi authors coming together with a collection of articles to teach and to be a guide to help like minded individuals come to learn from the experts.
This could be from personal stories of overcoming life’s obstacles, health, and nutrition, to soaking up the sun in nature. My thought was to come from our roots, instead of always being on the surface. A space to share and be brave to express how to live a clean life.
To help with the printing and production costs of the publication I have set up a very affordable investment for you to share your story. The space that I would offer in return would be (2) two full pages this would include editing and an attractive set up of your article with photos or illustrations. The maximum word count would be 1200 and this would also include your BIO and contact information. Keeping to this number of words will allow for an attractive layout of your article. A bonus would also be that you would be spotlighted in promotional material and our website.
I see the articles coming from real life not a paid advertisement for your business. I’d like you to come on board and share as you are the expert in your field, an expert at your life. Your BIO is your place to promote you and how readers can contact you.
Let’s connect by having conversations and help direct readers to fulfill their lives. Our readers are already searching for something. Let’s be their guides. Make it okay to talk about ourselves and how our roots are ready to blossom.
If you have an online practice to be accessible to readers, this is the place to be. Please reach out and let’s connect and have you become part of this community.
All my best,
Kathy Eller

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