Kathy’s Musings
By Kathy Eller, MusingAbout.ca
Spending a Time Such as this Planting My Garden of Hope
Spring should be arriving any day now. For now, we sit in anticipation and wait. Where I’m cuddled up and wait is just so snug. Oh, how the little song birds are also sitting and waiting for spring. They know in their hearts it will be back just like that. What once were waves of unrest have become waves of gratification. Spending this early morning time to just be. Be present. Don’t get to upset at the weather, it will be time to plant my garden in due time.
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” Thornton Wilder
Changing of the seasons. Winter meets spring into summer. I can’t quite see it but I am assured that the life under the fallen snow is bursting at the seems to show me its transformation to springtime. At the moment though, it is a game of peak-a-boo. One minute you see the ground and one minute it is covered up with white fluffy snow.
Busy being me…silly carefree.
Enjoying being me…silly at times…childlike…not worrying about what someone might think. Those days are no longer known.
Take in a life full of fun and enjoyment. Don’t take it or yourself so seriously. Do more of the things that make you happy. Giggle more. Enjoy a good giggle at yourself now and then. Turn the radio up loud…have a kitchen dance party for one…puppies invited.
Share your sparkling smile with the world. You don’t have to ask to inspire anyone anymore. Why did any of that matter anyways?
This is your new way of living. It feels liberating wouldn’t you say!
Such an atmosphere of gratitude and joy.
A way of coping with your messy feelings is by writing them down. Journaling sure has helped me. If you’d like to learn more about my journalling practices, come follow me on
FaceBook @Kathy’s Musings journaling Community
All my best,
Kathy Eller

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