Kathy’s Musings
By Kathy Eller, MusingAbout.ca
Change Your thought process.
Life was on hold for years really. Waiting and wondering what will happen next.
Then it’s like – what are you waiting for girl!
Change the thought process.
My current mindset work is to focus on not giving so much power to the thought of waiting to be acknowledged. Keep doing your own thing but now it has-to be from you to you, no one else.
In the end you are only bothering yourself. Keep your energy alive, no more time to have it extinguished by a lack of acknowledgement.
Give others a break also!
If the story you are telling yourself is that they aren’t thinking of ‘me’ – so be it. Leave it alone. Give yourself free will to move along your merry way.
My shift is happening. My change has left me feeling so much peace and joy for life. At times it’s intoxicating. Pinching myself to make sure what I am feeling is real. Living each day as it comes. Breathing in the moments. Showing up by being me for me. Changing the audience that I play for. Finally putting myself at centre stage in my life.
Getting to this point in life is all about the journey, isn’t it? Make the trip worth while. Eat the cake, walk on the beach, stay up late to watch the stars, spend your money on the adventures. Experiences are a lifetime of memories.
Do It!
It’s An Independance Thing!
I’m hoping that with my stories you to will stop hiding. Don’t dim your shining light just to fit in. And don’t wait so long in life to realize this.
Along the way be vulnerable enough to be a truth teller. Write that down. A way of coping with your messy feelings is by writing them down. Journaling sure has helped me. If you’d like to learn more about my journaling practices, come join my community sign up to learn more visit musingabout.ca. Join today and I will send you my FREE 5-day journaling challenge
FaceBook @Kathy’s Musings journaling Community
All my best,
Kathy Eller

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