By Kathy Eller,
“You Can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.”
Time to update as the saying goes “You Can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.”
Read that a couple of times… It’s so good and true. Are you in fact surrounded by people that constantly pull you down? Trust that it is okay to bring or attract a new power group to surround yourself with. You will find empowerment by doing so. There comes a time when you realize that enough is enough.
You need to keep shining your light no matter what. There are people out there whose light doesn’t shine very brightly. These people have a hard time looking at you and your bright light. Why do we ‘dim’ our light so that we don’t shine too bright for these energy vampires?
One quote I read stated; “At this point in my life I’m just trying to get away from the fuckery.” A way to see it is Being with negative energy only makes your life more difficult. This little message I found by Joyce Meyer. “You may be given a cactus, but you don’t have to sit on it.”
Have you been feeling similar thoughts? Is it time for you to have your own spiritual revolution? I know it is for me. and I have been moving along my merry way. There are moments though that I become drawn into the low energy field. This is when I step into a circle that is dimly lit. You see I stepped into the “scare-city” place of fear and worry. My internal compass was activated, fear drew me into a dark place.
With my mindset work and utilizing the tools that I know I have attained; I am able to move myself out of this dark energy field that I find myself in.
Writing as you pass through this lifetime. Write as this is your story, big or small. Small things today will become big things when you write about them. Write it as it flows through your soul. Write as it passes through your light.
Write it as a memoir, write out the dialogue of your day.
Write out your daydreams.
Bring your life alive when you write it out.
Create your safe space to have those personal somewhat difficult to have conversations.
If you been thinking of creatively writing down your thoughts? Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. My journey could help you overcome any fear you may have of exploring your journaling experience. Follow my writing journey at When I created Musing About Stories to Live By my thought was wouldn’t it be great to lead by example of how to live a good life by offering uplifting content and resourceful and useful information. Musing About has a collection of articles and stories from empowering voices.
Join our Multi Author Project. Everything about Musing About Stories to Live By reflects growth.
#writethatdown #beatruthteller #truthteller #movealongyourmerryway
I’m hoping that with my stories you to will stop hiding. Don’t dim your shining light just to fit in. And don’t wait so long in life to realize this.
Along the way be vulnerable enough to be a truth teller. Write that down. A way of coping with your messy feelings is by writing them down. Journaling sure has helped me. If you’d like to learn more about my journaling practices, come join my community sign up to learn more visit Join today and I will send you my FREE 5-day journaling challenge
FaceBook @Kathy’s Musings journaling Community
All my best,
Kathy Eller

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