Do you get pleasure from the career you have, or work you do?
When you are at home with your family, are you so busy cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and balancing chores that you feel you are missing out on those special moments that only come once in a lifetime?
Are you so busy running here and there delivering kids from one activity to the next, while balancing home, family, friends and your job?
What has happened to us over the years that causes us to create these lives we tell ourselves we are happy with? In many cases, it stems from where we grew up and how we were raised. It also is created by the choices we make everyday regarding our health, happiness, family and career.
Follow Teresa as she shares her 6 strategies for Living Life Full On: Meet Teresa in Issue 1 of Musing About Magazine.
The six topics will include:
- Erase Your Limiting Beliefs and Old Programming
- Discover and Define Your Inner You
- Be Courageous and Strong in Your Life
- Invoke Forgiveness, Assertiveness and Respect
- Never Give Away Your Personal Power
- The Law of Attraction: What is it, and How Can We Use it Every Day?