You may be asking yourself right now, “What are Limiting Beliefs and Old Programming?” Good question! Let us dig into what this means.
People hear so much information about these topics and the words, at times, seem to be dropped in conversation or discussion frequently. Some people that I hear those phrases from, actually do know what they mean and others, do not. So, let us clear up the definitions.
Limiting Beliefs: first of all, according to Psychology Today, “Limiting Beliefs are a lens though how you view the world. This lens can:
“Limiting Beliefs are a lens though how you view the world.
- influence your perceptions
- define for you what is good, bad, true, real, and possible
- skew your perspective in positive or negative ways
- direct and/or limit the actions you take
- shape your character
- affect your relationships
- establish a specific course you will follow
- determine your health
- harness or hijack your passion
- lower or raise your level of happiness”
READ MORE. Follow Teresa as she shares her 6 Strategies for Living Life Full On! Read Part 1 of her series in Issue 2 of Musing About Magazine.
The six topics will include:
- Erase Your Limiting Beliefs and Old Programming
- Discover and Define Your Inner You
- Be Courageous and Strong in Your Life
- Invoke Forgiveness, Assertiveness and Respect
- Never Give Away Your Personal Power
- The Law of Attraction: What is it, and How Can We Use it Every Day?